Thursday, June 03, 2021

Summer writing project (Day Twenty-Four); Lessons from an old Mandarin textbook for Taiwan

Well, at this rate I'm not going to get this paper done any time soon. Today I spent more time reading than writing. (OK, so that's an understatement. These are actually the first four sentences I've written today!) 😭

On the bright side, this evening I came across a new website (via Twitter) that contains a lot of digitized historical books from Taiwan: it's called the Taiwan eBook Database, and it's from the National Central Library in Taiwan. So far it contains over 32,000 books from 1900-1950 or so, and it's free, so that's a good thing! It doesn't seem possible to download the ebooks, but you can view them online.

Given my interests, I was digging around for some Guoyu textbooks and came across one from undated book entitled 《臺灣暫用小學國語課本甲編》 (roughly, Temporary Elementary Mandarin Textbook for Taiwan, First Edition). The first couple of lessons are interesting:

第一課  臺灣人                            

Lesson One: Taiwanese


I am Taiwanese


 You are Taiwanese


He is Taiwanese


We are all Taiwanese

第二課  中國人 

Lesson Two: Chinese

我們的祖宗  是福建人  是廣東人 

Our ancestors are Fujianese. are Cantonese

福建人  廣東人  臺灣人  都是中國人 

Fujianese. Cantonese Taiwanese all are Chinese 

They kind of threw me off with the first unit, but then they were back to my expectations with Unit 2. Later on, in Unit 16, they get to 中華民國 and tell us that everyone has a name, and schools have their names too, and so do nations. 

爸爸說  我們的國名是中華民國   我們應該記住我們的國名 

Father says  Our country's name is the Republic of China  We should remember our country's name.

Unit 17 is about the beautiful flag, Unit 18 is about Sun Yat-sen, Unit 19 is about commemorating Sun, Unit 20 is about how a young Sun Yat-sen dealt with foreigners who made fun of his queue. 

But I think my "favorite" part is in Unit 24:

第二十四課   日本侵略中國

 Lesson 24  Japan Invades China

老師站在地圖旁邊   拿著一幅圖給大家看 

Teacher stands next to the map holding a picture for everyone to see

上面畫著一片秋海棠葉   又畫著一條毛蟲 

On the picture are a begonia leaf and a caterpillar

老師說  這裡秋海棠葉的位置  正式地圖上中國的位置 

Teacher says  The location of this begonia leaf is where China is on the map

這裡毛蟲的位置   正式地圖上日本的位置 

The location of the caterpillar is where Japan is on the map

這裡畫著毛蟲爬去吃秋海棠葉  就是表明從前日本想侵略中國 

In this picture the caterpillar is climbing up to eat the begonia leaf. This shows that Japan wanted to invade China before

From there, the rest of the book is about the war between China and Japan. It's an interesting read...

[Update, 6/4/21: I found an interesting post on an "extinct" blog, "活水來冊房," about the postwar "Mandarin fever" in Taiwan: "台灣戰後國語熱"--it includes some images of this book, but it appears to be a different edition than the one in the NCL? There's also a book entitled《文白之爭──語文;教育;國族的百年戰場》that mentions this textbook. I also came across an article entitled "戰後臺灣山地教育教科書初探(1951~1958)" that explores an Indigenous perspective on some of the units in this textbook.

Here's another edition of the book. And another.]

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