Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Review of Resistance in the Era of Nationalisms published

My review of Resistance in the Era of Nationalisms: Performing Identities in Taiwan and Hong Kong, edited by Hsin-I Cheng and Hsin-i Sydney Yueh is out. It was a pleasure to read this book, particularly realizing the risks some of the authors took in writing it.


Shao-wei said...

Congratulations! I am so impressed by how much you've read and achieved during the winter break!

Jonathan Benda said...

To be honest, this is one of the things I was feeling guilty about after reading _Taiwan Travelogue_. In my review, I suggested that the authors cite more research from Taiwan to bring the voices of more Taiwanese scholars into their book. But now I wonder if it was really my place to say that. Maybe they looked for research from Taiwan and didn't find anything. Or maybe there are other reasons that I don't know about. I think my suggestion could be seen as condescending.