Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Another new book in the former native speaker's library

陳翠蓮 (Chen Tsui-lien), 自治之夢:日治時期到二二八的臺灣民主運動 (The Dream of Autonomy: Taiwan's Democracy Movement from the Japanese Occupation to February 28). 春山出版, 2020.

I came across some excerpts from this book when Googling an article by Huang Chengcong (黃呈聰) in the 臺灣民報 (Taiwan Minbao):
The excerpts looked interesting, so I bought the book. I managed to get an ebook through Amazon for only $9, which wasn't too bad considering what postage would have been had I ordered it through (Another advantage of the ebook is that the text in it runs horizontally from left to right instead of vertically from right to left, which makes it a little easier for me to read.) 

I haven't found any reviews of the book, but just from starting to read it, I think it's written for a more general audience rather than being a "scholarly" book, but that's OK with me. Hopefully, that will make it easier for me to read and I'll actually get it done!

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