Monday, August 19, 2024

New year's resolutions for the 2024-2025 academic year

I haven't done this for a few years (I think the last time was 2021), but it's not necessarily a bad idea to write down a few things I'm going to try to do this year (or at least this semester). 

One is to try to get up earlier in the morning. I can use the time to do a little writing and get my Duolingo done. I used to do the Duolingo on the train into school, but this semester, I want to use my commute time to read. As my reader(s) know, I've got a stack of books that I should get started on!

Another thing I need to do is make time for writing. I have to do revisions on a paper that has been accepted (my first journal article about GHK!), and then I need to get to work on a collaboratively written biography of Kerr. I also have a rhetoric paper to work on that I have been ignoring for months.

I guess that's a good start--as I've said in the past, when it comes to resolutions, less is more!

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