
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

This blog is 20 years old!

A lot has happened since I typed out these words.  

A Pennsylvania Dutch proverb that I often heard as a child goes, "Ve git too soon oldt und too late schmart." I think that about sums things up. I don't have any words of wisdom to share after 20 years of off-and-on blogging. I sort of do this for my own entertainment, I guess, so I don't have high expectations for it. (Though I have at times referred to it in my annual self-criticisms merit reviews as an example of the writing that I do.)

If anyone is curious, though, here's a list of what are currently the top three posts on this thing, according to Blogger stats:

Odd that the top 3 are all from the summer of 2016. I have my own favorites from before that. Like this 2005 review of 走出白色恐怖 (Farewell to the White Terror) by 孫康宜 (Sun Kang-i). 

And this 2006 post on the Freshman Chinese curriculum reform at Tunghai and its 2013 follow-up on how the course was going. (Yikes! I can't believe the follow-up itself is over 10 years old!!) 

And, of course, this 2005 posting of a FICTIONAL love story that I wrote with the help of the former native Chinese speaker back in 1996. Always liked this story. I can still recite some of it, which always impresses my wife! 

Any other posts I should add to this list?


  1. We're all getting old.

    Congratulations on sticking it out, though!

  2. Thanks! Yep, I'm feeling a little creaky these days...
