
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Summer writing project (Day Nineteen)

Spent quite a bit of time looking for a statistic in order to finish one relatively unimportant sentence in my draft. That's something that happens so often that academics are always tweeting about how they spent hours reading articles, searching for primary sources, etc., just to write one sentence. It's true, though. In my case, I put a note there and if I stumble across a usable statistic, I'll include it. Otherwise, I'll delete the sentence as it is not vital to my overall argument. 

I also wrote two emails today in which I described my project. This was pretty useful to me because it helped remind me of my main argument and the significance of my project. One of the emails was to someone not in academia, and the other was to someone who's in a different field in academia. I got a good response from the first person, but I haven't heard from the second one yet. We'll see...

I've been reading through my draft, and although there are holes in it, it's not as bad as I had thought. At some point, I should show it to someone to see what they think about it. First, though, I have to find someone who'd be willing to read it! Then I have to develop the courage to share it with them. ("The imposter syndrome is strong with this one...")

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