
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Another new book in the former native speaker's library

台籍菁英的搖籃:台中一中 (The Cradle of the Taiwan Elite: Taichung First Secondary School), by 朱珮琪 (Zhu Peiqi).

This book is an extensively revised version of Zhu's master's thesis. It's a history of a school that was the first secondary school established for Taiwanese boys during the period of the Japanese occupation (1895-1945). The school was established through the efforts of Taiwanese elites like Lin Xiantang (林獻堂), Lin Lietang (林烈堂), and Gu Xianrong (辜顯榮). Looks like it'll be a good book! (The school is now a senior high school, by the way.)


  1. Looks good. Must try to get a copy next time I am in Taiwan. Thanks for the reference.

  2. You're welcome. You could try ordering the book online if you're not coming to Taiwan any time soon. You would try and see if they have it...

    By the way, interesting website that you have--I'll have to add it to my bloglines...
