
Friday, November 19, 2004

The politics of weather goes underground...

You might have noticed that I've taken the "Taichung" (or "Taizhong") weather sticker off of this site. The other day I visited my site and found the letters "CN" after "Taizhong" on the sticker. I immediately removed the offending code and sent this e-mail to the folks who run the "Weather Underground" site:

I used to have a weather underground sticker for Taizhong, Taiwan on my website Now I've taken it off because someone added "CN" or "China" to the sticker. Why in heaven's name did you have to politicize the WEATHER, of all things???

Jonathan Benda

We'll see how they respond...


  1. Survey sez, they won't answer. What an interesting move they made! And who, exactly, is "they"? Did "they" even know how politicized the "CN" appendix was, or were they just doing it out of stupidity?

  2. Well, so far you're right, Becky. "They" (whoever "they" are) haven't said a thing. But now that I've got the ultra-cool Weather Channel weather thingamajig up, I'm not quite so concerned about Wunderground...
