
Sunday, November 07, 2004

Faith and rhetoric in the U.S. election (and beyond)

E. J. Dionne, Jr. has made some important points about the language of faith in his recent Washington Post column (registration required):

What's required is a sustained and intellectually serious effort by religious moderates and progressives to insist that social justice and inclusion are "moral values" and that war and peace are "life issues."
Much to some intellectuals' dismay, a lot of people (Dionne, Ellen Goodman, and others) are suggesting that Democrats need to reach out to the people who voted for Bush because they felt he was a moral man and a man of God. As Goodman and others have said, we have to get beyond being embarrassed by words like "morals" and "faith" if we're going to persuade anyone that we have an agenda and values worth taking a look at.


  1. Interestingly, this is exactly what Joe Lieberman stated when he was running for the nomination. Not that I was/am a Lieberman supporter, but I thought then he was making an important point. The religious right doesn't have a corner on "moral values," whatever they might be.
    Susan | Email | 11.12.04 - 12:34 am | #


  2. Thanks for pointing that out, Susan. I missed a lot of the beginning of the campaign (except for something about a loud yell from Howard Dean). I'll have to look around for some transcripts of the Democratic debates.
